%% Blank letter for Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg %% Template by Karl N. Kirschner, Noveber 12, 2022 %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} \input{hbrs_letter_structure_en.tex} %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% User defined information %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Who is sending the letter \who{} %% The address of person sending the letter \letterfrom{ University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg\\ Grantham-Allee 20 \\ 53757 Sankt Augustin \\ % \textcolor{red}{first.lastname}@h-brs.de \\ www.h-brs.de } \location{Sankt Augustin} %% The address to whom the letter is being sent \letterto{ To whom it may concern } %% Topic of Letter \topic{Thesis Code and Data Usage} %% Header, right side of the logo \leftheaderlineone{Hochschule} %% top header line \leftheaderlinetwo{Bonn-Rhein-Sieg} % middle header line \leftheaderlinethree{University of Applied Sciences} % bottom header line %% Header, left side of page \rightheaderlineone{Department of Computer Science} %% top header line %\rightheaderlinetwo{Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism} % middle header line \rightheaderlinethree{\who} % bottom header line \begin{document} % \layout{} \logoheader{fhlogo} \vspace{10mm} \contactinfo %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% The heart of the letter -- modify this %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Beginning of letter here Dear Sir or Madam,\\ \noindent With this letter/email, I agree that \textcolor{red}{First LastName} and those within his research group are allowed to have access to and use of the code and data generated during my thesis research at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. This is done with the understanding that I will be appropriately represented in any paper (e.g. coaouthership; acknowledgments) or presentation (e.g. acknowledgments) that has made use of my thesis research. %% Content %% Closing ~\\ \flushleft Sincerely, \\ \vspace{15mm} \who \end{document}