# hbrs-thesis-template

## Overview
Latex template for theses (bachelor, master, or PhD) at the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.

Currently, the template is for the Department of Computer Science, but can easily be modified for use in other departments.

Students should consult their primary examiner for how the thesis should specifically be formatted.

<!-- Note that if your thesis is with a company that has protected intellectual property, you must include a "Sperrvermerk" (blocking or barring notice) on the thesis. -->

<!-- If you have a company logo that you want to include, then uncomment the following line and adjust the height/width accordingly:
\includegraphics[height=1.2cm]{second_logo.pdf} -->

If you are using Linux, the included Makefile will easily compile the Latex document. You must change the line that specifies which version (German or English) you are compiling (i.e. "NAME = thesis_english"). Then use the following two commands: `make clean` and `make`.

The original template and Makefile were created by [Prof. Dr. Rudolf Berrendorf](https://www.h-brs.de/de/inf/prof-dr-rudolf-berrendorf). Additional ideas concerning the class was drawn from the previous templates designed by Argentina Ortega Sainz and Ronni Hartanto.

Karl N. Kirschner, PhD<br>
Department of Computer Science<br>
University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg<br>
Grantham-Allee 20<br>
53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany<br>