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......@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
% Anfang %
\newcommand{\secDir}{sections} % configure section directory
\newcommand{\secDir}{abschnitte} % configure section directory
......@@ -87,8 +87,16 @@
% Literaturverzeichnis %
% Literaturverzeichnis soll nicht nur Literatur heißen
% Anhang %
% Ende %
XELATEX = xelatex
all: doc bib doc_twice
@echo 'make all | Create complete document and bibliography
@echo 'make bib | Create bibliography, Arbeit.aux required. To create them ,run make doc.'
@echo 'make doc | Create complete document. Read output and run make bib or make doc again if needed.'
@echo 'make clean | Cleaning working directory.'
@echo 'make all | Erstelle das komplette Dokument inklusive bib-Datei für das Literaturverzeichnis'
@echo 'make bib | Erstelle bib-Datei für Literaturverzeichnis'
@echo 'make doc | Erstelle komplettes Dokument und lese die Ausgabe. Falls Fehler auftreten führe make bib oder make doc erneut aus.'
@echo 'make clean | Säubere das Arbeitsverzeichnis von temporären Dateien und Verzeichnissen.'
all: doc bib doc_twice
......@@ -20,4 +21,4 @@ doc_twice:
rm -f .log quit.tex *.acn *gdf *.glg *. glo *. gls *.ist *.lol *.nlo *.nls *.ps *.out *.dvi *.log *.aux *.blg *.toc *.log *.bbl *.lof *.lot *.idx *.brf *.ilg *.ind sections/*.aux images/*.aux
rm -f .log quit.tex *.acn *gdf *.glg *. glo *. gls *.ist *.lol *.nlo *.nls *.ps *.out *.dvi *.log *.aux *.blg *.toc *.log *.bbl *.lof *.lot *.idx *.brf *.ilg *.ind abschnitte/*.aux bilder/*.aux
File moved
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
\small{\textbf{Hochschule\linebreak{}Bonn-Rhein-Sieg}\linebreak{}\textit{University of Applied Sciences}\linebreak{}\linebreak{}\textbf{Fachbereich \ThesisStudyCourseGerman}\linebreak{}\textit{Department of \ThesisStudyCourse}}
Dies ist eine Einleitung. \cite{wiki:001}
Dies ist eine Einleitung.
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Blies takte uhr bibel winde all stuck wette nie wie. Licht se dahin indem seine
\caption{Logo Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg}
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Blies takte uhr bibel winde all stuck wette nie wie. Licht se dahin indem seine
\caption{Logo Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg}
......@@ -63,21 +63,41 @@ Blies takte uhr bibel winde all stuck wette nie wie. Licht se dahin indem seine
\caption{Logo Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg}
P & Q & $\neg$ & ( P & $\vee$ & Q ) & $\vee$ & ( $\neg$ & P & $\wedge$ & Q ) & $\equiv$ & $\neg$ & P \\ \hline \hline
0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & $\mathbf{1}$ & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & & $\mathbf{1}$ & 0\\ \hline
0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & $\mathbf{1}$ & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & & $\mathbf{1}$ & 0\\ \hline
1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & $\mathbf{0}$ & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & & $\mathbf{0}$ & 1\\ \hline
1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & $\mathbf{0}$ & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & & $\mathbf{0}$ & 1\\ \hline
\caption{Wahrheitstabelle: $\neg$ ( P $\vee$ Q ) $\vee$ ( $\neg$ P $\wedge$ Q ) $\equiv$ $\neg$ P}
\subsection{Aufbau der Arbeit}
Hier steht ein Text.\cite{BarAhl08}
\cite{BarAhl08} sagen hier steht ein Text. \\
\citet{BruMurPerWygMcN09} sagen hier steht ein Text. \\
\citet*{BruMurPerWygMcN09} sagen hier steht ein Text. \\
"`Hier steht ein Text."' \citep{BarAhl08} \\
Hier steht ein Text. \citep[Vgl.][]{BarAhl08} \\
Hier steht ein Text. \citep[][S. 200]{BruMurPerWygMcN09} \\
Hier steht ein Text. \citep*[][S. 200]{BruMurPerWygMcN09} \\
Hier steht ein Text. \citep{wiki:001,BruMurPerWygMcN09} \\
\acf{GSM} \\
\acs{NUA} \\
\acl{BUT} \\
\acp{UA} \cite{BruMurPerWygMcN09}
\acl{BUT} \\
\acp{UA} \\
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
\ThesisAuthor \\
\ThesisAuthorAddress \\
Hiermit erkläre ich an Eides Statt, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbst angefertigt habe; die aus fremden Quellen direkt oder indirekt übernommenen Gedanken sind als solche kenntlich gemacht.
Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbst angefertigt habe; die aus fremden Quellen direkt oder indirekt übernommenen Gedanken sind als solche kenntlich gemacht.
Die Arbeit wurde bisher keiner Prüfungsbehörde vorgelegt und auch noch nicht veröffentlicht.
......@@ -72,13 +72,14 @@
\setlength{\footskip}{6mm} % Abstand Seitenzahl zu Text
% fuer Zitate
%% Literatur
% Zitate
% Festlegung Art der Zitierung - Havardmethode: Abkuerzung Autor + Jahr
% Literaturverzeichnis nach DIN 1505
%\usepackage{helvet} % Serifenlose Schrift - explizit
File moved
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
% NATBIB.CFG in Verbindung mit natbib.sty
% Lorenzen, 2006-01-02
% diese Konfigurationsdatei wird zuletzt eingelesen und
% enth"alt die lokal gew"unschten Einstellungen f"ur den
% Bibliographie-- und Zitierstil
%% nach dieser Definition wird das label (dinatlabel) fett geschrieben, dann Zeilenumbruch;
%% darunter der bibliographische Beleg
%% Einzug der Belege nach der Einordnungsmarke
This diff is collapsed.
% chngcntr.sty
% Provides commands to change the resetting of counters.
% Instructions for use are at the end of this file.
% author: Peter Wilson (CUA)
% (now at
% Released under the Latex Project Public License
\ProvidesPackage{chngcntr}[2001/03/30 v1.0 change counter resetting]
% This package uses David Carlisle's \@removefromreset command as
% specified in the remreset package available from CTAN as
% macros/latex/contrib/supported/carlisle/remreset.sty
% It is \provided here as a convenience to the user, and with
% David Carlisle's permission.
\expandafter\let\csname c@#1\endcsname\@removefromreset
\expandafter\ifx\csname c@##1\endcsname\@removefromreset
\expandafter\xdef\csname cl@#2\endcsname{%
\csname cl@#2\endcsname}}}
%%\@ifbothc@t@s{<package>}{<counter>}{<within>}{<code when both are counters>}
\@ifundefined{c@#2}{% counter undefined
\PackageError{#1}{#2 is not a counter}{\@eha}}%
{% else counter is defined
\@ifundefined{c@#3}{% within undefined
\PackageError{#1}{#3 is not a counter}{\@eha}}%
{% else both counter and within are defined
% In LaTeX, a new counter called, say `ctr', is created by the command
% \newcounter{ctr}[within]. If the optional within argument is given
% the the counter `ctr' is reset to zero each time the counter `within'
% changes. The command \thectr typesets the value of the counter ctr.
% This is automatically defined by \newcounter and is initialised
% to typeset arabic numerals.
% \counterwithin
% \counterwithin*
% It is sometimes desireable to change a counter that has been defined
% by \newcounter{ctr} to act as though it had been defined as
% \newcounter{ctr}[within]. The package provides the command
% \counterwithin{ctr}{within} that accomplishes this. By default,
% it also redefines the \thectr command so that it typesets values
% in the style \thewithin.\arabic{ctr}. The starred version of the
% command suppresses the redefinition of \thectr
% (e.g., \counterwithin*{ctr}{within}).
% \counterwithout
% \counterwithout*
% Likewise, the command \counterwithout{ctr}{within} changes a
% counter that has been created by \newcounter{ctr}[within] to act
% as though it had been created by \newcounter{ctr}. By default it
% also redefines the \thectr command so that it just typesets an arabic
% numeral. The starred version of the command suppresses the redefinition
% of \thectr.
% Any number of \counterwithin{ctr}{...} and \counterwithout{ctr}{...}
% commands can be issued for a given counter, ctr, if you wish to toggle
% between the two styles. The current value of ctr is unaffected by
% \counterwithin and \counterwithout. If you want to change the value
% after one of these commands, use \setcounter{ctr}{...}, and to change
% the typeseting style use \renewcommand{\thectr}{...}.
% Peter W.
% 2001/03/30
%% This is file `floatflt.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% floatflt.dtx (with options: `paketkod')
%% Copyright (c) 1994-1998 by Mats Dahlgren <>.
%% All rights reserved. See the file `floatflt.ins' for information
%% on how you may (re-)distribute the `floatflt' package files.
%% You are not allowed to make any changes to this file without
%% explicit permission from the author.
\ProvidesPackage{floatflt}[1997/07/16 v. 1.31]
\newdimen\figgutter \figgutter=1truepc
\newdimen\tabgutter \tabgutter=1truepc
\newdimen\htdone \htdone=0pt
\newif\iftryingfig \tryingfigfalse
\newif\iftryingtab \tryingtabfalse
\newif\ifdoingfig \doingfigfalse
\newif\ifdoingtab \doingtabfalse
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\newif\ifpageafterfig \pageafterfigfalse
\newif\ifpageaftertab \pageaftertabfalse
{\@tfor \@tempa :=#1\do
{\if\@tempa r\global\oddpagestrue\fi
\if\@tempa l\global\oddpagesfalse\fi
\if\@tempa p%
\if\@tempa v%
\expandafter\ifx\csname oldoutput\endcsname\relax% ref. TeXbook Ex.7.7
\PackageError{floatflt}{The `floatflt' package is not initialized}
{Try to reinstall the `floatflt' package.\MessageBreak
Type `x' to quit or <Return> to try to go on.}\@@end\fi
\global\everypar={\tryfig\oldeverypar}% must be set globally!
\global\advance\ffigcount by 1
{\count0=\ffigcount\advance\count0 by -1
\PackageWarningNoLine{floatflt}{Floating figures \the\count0\space%
\space and \the\ffigcount\space colliding}%
\iftabprocessing \PackageWarningNoLine{floatflt}{Floating figure %
\the\ffigcount\space and floating table \the\ftabcount\space colliding}
\global\setbox\figbox=\vbox\bgroup% begin of figbox
\hrule height 0pt width #2 depth 0pt%
{\@tfor \@tempa :=#1\do
{\if\@tempa r\global\oddpagestrue\fi
\if\@tempa l\global\oddpagesfalse\fi
\if\@tempa p%
\if\@tempa v%
\ifnum \theOptionTest=0
\expandafter\ifx\csname oldoutput\endcsname\relax% ref. TeXbook Ex.7.7
\PackageError{floatflt}{The `floatflt' package is not initialized}
{Try to reinstall the `floatflt' package.\MessageBreak
Type `x' to quit or <Return> to try to go on.}\@@end\fi
\global\setbox\tabbox=\vbox\bgroup\hrule height 0pt width 0pt depth 0pt%
\global\advance\ftabcount by 1
{\count0=\ftabcount\advance\count0 by -1
\PackageWarningNoLine{floatflt}{Floating tables \the\count0\space%
\space and \the\ftabcount \space colliding}%
\iftabprocessing \PackageWarningNoLine{floatflt}{Floating table %
\the\ffigcount\space and floating figure \the\ftabcount\space colliding}
\global\setbox\tabbox=\vbox\bgroup% begin of tabbox
\hrule height 0pt width\tabbredd depth 0pt%
\noindent\ifnum\ftabcount >1\ifoddpages\else\hspace*{-12pt}\fi\fi%
\egroup% end of \tabbox
\parindent=\wd0 \parskip=0pt \par%
\penalty-10005 \leavevmode}%
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\hbox to \hsize{\hss\copy\figbox}%
\else% leftsetting
\hbox to \hsize{\copy\figbox\hss}%
\fi% \ifodd\count0
\typeout{floatflt Message: Flt. fig. \the\ffigcount\space set on page
\the\count0, shifted \the\nosuccesstryfig\space par(s) forward.}%
\typeout{Package floatflt Message: Floating figure \the\ffigcount
\space set on page \the\count0}%
\global\advance\nosuccesstryfig by 1
\parindent=\wd0 \parskip=0pt \par
\penalty-10005 \leavevmode}%
\global\advance\htdone by -\startpageht
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\parindent=\wd0 \parskip=0pt \par%
\penalty-10005 \leavevmode}%
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\vrule depth \dimen0 width 0pt
\vadjust{\kern -\dimen0%
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\vss \vbox to 1ex{%
\hbox to \hsize{\hss\copy\tabbox}%
\else% leftsetting
\hbox to \hsize{\copy\tabbox\hss}%
\fi% \ifodd\count0
\typeout{floatflt Message: Flt. tab. \the\ftabcount\space set on page
\the\count0, shifted \the\nosuccesstrytab\space par(s) forward.}%
\typeout{Package floatflt Message: Floating table \the\ftabcount\space
set on page \the\count0}%
\global\advance\nosuccesstrytab by 1
\parindent=\wd0 \parskip=0pt \par
\penalty-10005 \leavevmode}%
\global\advance\htdone by -\startpageht
\advance\dimen0 by 0.5\baselineskip%
\global\tryingfigtrue \global\doingfigfalse%
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\advance\dimen0 by 1.49\baselineskip%
\divide\hangcount by \baselineskip%
\advance\dimen0 by \figgutter%
\global\hangafter=-\hangcount% placing right
\else% \ifleftsetting
\global\hangafter=-\hangcount% placing left
\advance\dimen0 by -\htdone%
\advance\dimen0 by 1.49\baselineskip%
\divide\hangcount by \baselineskip%
\advance\dimen0 by \tabgutter%
\global\hangafter=-\hangcount% placing right
\else% \ifleftsetting
\global\hangafter=-\hangcount% placing left
\item \parbox[t]{\fltitemwidth}{#2}\\[#1]}
\item[#2] \parbox[t]{\fltitemwidth}{#3}\\[#1]}
%% End of file `floatflt.sty'.